Monday, November 9, 2009


Birthday is considered to be one of the important days in once life. .
But more important to your friends. . =D lol. . i guess you will agree to this. .

Its like this. . if next month or next to next month happens to be one of your best friend's or bestest best friend's birthday. . your planning will start like 2 months before D-day itself =D

and OMG !!
I would not forget to mention about creative and wildest thoughts regarding the gift you would love to give your friend. .
N lol. . as now its the age of ORKUT-ting =P I would love to mention about budding orkut friendships . . n more. . later in my post. .

In real life. . gift are more realistic. .as you know. . ranging from rings. . charms to books. . n even much more high ranged things. . But more important thing about gift is its deep from the person's heart =)
another thing i have seen is calling around 12 in midnight *rolling eyes* . . i mean Whoaa !! sometimes you will be in the midst of a sweet dream or something. . then BOOM !! your mobile starts ringing. .then any one of your best friend will try to prove. .see see I'm the first to wish you and all. . and what else you can expect other than tons of waiting calls while you are talking to the first person and that person refusing to keep the call. . lol =D just lovely moments =)

The only thing the victim oops i mean the birthday boy or girl should be worried is about lootifying treats and birthday bumps =P

But seriously speaking its known to be one of the most sweetest moment you would enjoy with your friends. . and you don't mind getting kicks. .and giving high demand treats. . =)

Now about orkut friendships. .
People say you shouldn't believe people who are virtually existent. .

But ME =) I totally disagree to this point. . I feel sometimes the happiness you don't find in your real life friends. . you will find in your orkut friend =)
Lot of experiences are a proof to this point. .
and as a coin has two sides. . there is a negative point to every general topic. . but as i said before i won't go much to the negative point much =D

Now the question is how and what these friends gift their orkut friends. .
Well from personal experiences i would point out few of them. .
Picture showing animation of balloons bursting. . n all. .
E-cards. . one of the best gifts =)
Testimonial. .One of my personal favourites. .
Poem. . One of the rare but yet priceless gift. .
Any hand made creative art. . n its picture been sent to the birthday prince or princess =P (its surely one of the best )
Community thread. . Wooo. . i just love this one. .you become popular in the whole community you see. .Yoo ! B-)
Then. .A community itself. . A sweet one =)
Even a blog can come. . But it should be in process from like 3 months before D-day =P

Well. . today i was on my way back from landmark. .to get chetan's new book. . lol =P
While sitting in the auto. . i didn't have any other work rather than thinking for a perfect gift i can gift for one of my best friends in orkut. . =)
So di ( one of bestest orkut friend ) mentioned we both should write a testimonial. . mine filled with a poem. . so i was thinking of writing one. .
so atlast i did come up with one. .
here it goes. .

Dil se juda hua
Oro se badh kar
Sansar main sirf
Tu hi hain mera dost =)

hope it did make some sense after all =D So here i wish my friend A very Happy Bday. . =)
God bless u =)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A Tribute to a Friend

A Friend. . . . . . . . .
A six letter word which conveys divinity in its pure form. . . . . . .

A friend can be in the form of a Mother. .

A friend can be in the form of a Father. .

A friend can be in the form of a person of your age. . no matter a male or female. .

A friend can be your elder or younger sister. .

A friend can be your elder or younger brother. .

In short. . a friend is like the air we breathe. . without which our existence is not possible. . =)

They can't be seen and measured or whatever u can call it. . But only can be FELT =)

The other day i got a forward from one of friends. . hmmm that's natural =D all jobless people na. . just kidding =D so it said
" Our friendship is like a flying kite. . U are the colour paper of the kite. . people see and appreciate u. . And I'm the thread of the kite. . Invisible to the people but always with u.. "

i was so impressed with the whole forward. . i was saluting the one who wrote this small piece of poem. . which conveys more meaning than its size. .

That's what is friendship and friend is about. . friend is known to be invisible to people. .but always together with you no matter YOU ARE RIGHT OR WRONG =)
It's because. .even though in other relationships: reasons. . clarifications. .compromises. .sacrifices. .etc. exist. . Friendship doesn't have any of these. .it is beyond everything. .

Its always seen. . When you are happy. . you see the double of happiness in your friend's eye. .and they are the first ones to tell : Come on yaar. . Lets party!! =P

But when you are sad or lone. . friend is the only person who catches you through the lonely way to the light or the day. .

its like when you say lies : I'm fine yaar. . nothing is wrong with me. . they look upto your eyes and says : tell me the truth. .
that's the power of understanding between friends. .
even though you try lying to yourself. .your friend catches up with your expression. . because they feel what you are really going through. . and how much ever you try. . u can't lie to your friend. .

the main thing here is . . how much ever u talk about a friend is not enough. .
and probably i'm sitting here confused thinking from where i should start. . and where i should end. .lol. .

So here i say with gratitude. .A friend is like the vast ocean. . whose happiness is like rays of the rising sun at the horizon . . which is so warm and nourishing . . that makes your every single day very wonderful. =)

(lol well that proves. . I'm not a pure poetess *wink*)

Well about the "FRIEND WILL BE WITH YOU NO MATTER YOU ARE RIGHT OR WRONG" thing. . generally. . friends are known to be the one who shows you the right way when you are heading the wrong one. .
but at the same time. . one of the hands in naughtiness you do =D . . a little bit of naughtiness and mischievous activities are acceptable right ?? =P

Friendship has been seen as one of the divine relationships a person can have. . =)

And i Hope even you people agree with that piece of sentence i wrote at the end. .

But nowadays the scenario has changed. . well i would not like to talk about that right now. . because i hate negative implications and facts in my post. . so i'll leave that for my last post. . (just 2 lines =P lol)